The Infernal Toy Machine

Collect Screw (25)

Collect Firewood (50)

Collect Loaded Spring (25)

Talk to Jonas Prendergast

Quest Start

Who's disturbing me? Sophilia... my darling girl, is that you? Eh?! You're not her! Who are you? Why are you bothering my work?

  1. Um... Are you the one responsible for all these crazy toys?
Toys? Toys! Yes! I am Jonas Prendergast, Master Toymaker! My toys bring delight to children all over Maple World! Yes... I must continue to make more... for the children. Unfortunately, I've run into a bit of a jam. Where is Edmunds when you need him? Edmunds! Hmmm... maybe you can help me?

  1. Um, sure. What do you need?
  2. I think it's a good thing your machine is broken.
There's something wrong with my Toy Machine. I tried to recalibrate the automation system, and one of my tools fell into the gears. You should've seen the smoke! It's a good thing I wasn't sucked into the machinery! That would have been very nasty. In any case, I finally figured out what's wrong... yes, yes, one of the Assembler Actuators must have gone kaput. I'll need to build a replacement to get the machine working properly again. Only thing is, I don't have the materials to it. Say, think you can help?
Excellent! If you can get me 50 Firewood, 25 Screws, and 25 Loaded Springs, I think I can build a new Assembler in no time! Tick-tock, time's a wastin'! Where can you get these materials? Why, I used them to build all the toys I make... I'm sure you can find them lying about. Do, hurry and collect them! Remember, there are many children out there waiting for my wonderful, wonderful toys! We mustn't keep them waiting.
Hmph... not like my darling Sophilia at all! My beautiful daughter would help her father in an instant! Now where did she go?

Quest Complete

Ah, yes! This is exactly what I need to fix my Toy Machine. Very good! I shall begin building the part immediately.
Come back in a little while and I may have some more work for you.