Do Gong's Spell

Collect Broken Deer Horn (10)

Collect Old Paper (10)

Collect Peach Seed (50)

Talk to Do Gong

Quest Start

Tae Roon hasn't been away from town just to avoid people in general. He's a straight-edged kid. When he realized the magnitude of the acts he committed, he exiled himself from civilization to meditate and redeem himself.
The solitary times he had spent might be doing wonders for him now. The spell that had bounded Tae Roon has gotten much weaker than before. The times Tae Roon finds himself fully conscious has gained significantly as well. This would be a perfect time for me, Do Gong, to cast a spell that effectively neutralizes Master Goblin's hideous spell.
All spells require preparations, however. In order to neutralize Master Goblin's evil powers, I'll need some items to work with. It would be great if you can find those items for me. Can you do that?
Great. I'll need 10 Sheets of Old Paper, 10 Broken Deer Horns, and 50 Peach Seeds. All these items can be found around Mu Lung, so I have no doubt in my mind that a powerful traveler like you can get the job done.
That's unfortunate... without those items, I won't be able to caste the spell. What can I do?

Quest Complete

You did gather up all the items... okay now it's time for me to get to work. This is the spell that neutralizes the evil forces that cloud the judgement of anyone affected by it.
While in the middle of the spell, I felt a strong force of disturbance from Master Goblin. I thought he was losing interest in Tae Roon... but that wasn't it. If nothing else, Master Goblin had been observing Tae Roon, and used him as a pawn to attract other Masters at Mu Lung...!
The real problem here, though, lies in Tae Roon. Tae Roon's strong feelings for forgiveness... actually strengthens the grip Master Goblin has on him. Tae Roon's kindness is actually reigning him in the firm grip of evil. If not for that, then I would have been able to safely separate him from that. Sigh...
Until Tae Roon's feelings for forgiveness weakens a bit, we'll never be able to wrest him away from the evil spell of Master Goblin... I really don't know what to say. I am ashamed to say that I really don't know what to do now. Please send my apologies to No Gong...