The Wooden Hoe That Snapped

Collect Steel Hoe (1)

Talk to Kong Ji

Quest Start

Sniff sniff ... oh, hi ... What should I do? My stepmother wanted me to plow the field, but the old wooden hoe snapped on me. I am afraid my stepmother might really yell at me if I don't finish this soon. I know you have been of tremedous help in the past. Can you please help me out once more?
I even went to the blacksmith's shop, but they told me they don't make any steel hoes. From what I hear, some Blins that reside in the Black Mountain possess steel hoes. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough to get close to them, nevermind going up against them. You look strong enough, though, so please help me acquire 1 Steel Hoe through the Blins.
Sniff... sniff ... what's going to happen to me...?

Quest Complete

You're back! Did you find the steel hoe? That's great!! I heard that the Blins are a bunch of rascals pulling out pranks from left and right, making them really hard to deal with!! But here you are, with the steel hoe in hand ... it's the third time you've helped me out already. I'll never forget this, much like the first two. Thank you sooo much~