Delivering a Mysterious Item

Collect Tears of Kelvelos (1)

Talk to Kriel the Fairy

Quest Start

Hey, you, human! Yeah, you! You look quite strong enough. Are you interested in becoming even stronger?
I knew you'd be interested. Have you heard of Ossyria? I think you'll be much stronger once you start training there. Face new monsters, interact with new surroundings, and train yourself to become much more powerful than you ever were in Victoria Island.
If you ever stop by Orbis, please meet up with my friend Kriel the Fairy. I have to give her something. It's called Tears of Kelvelos, and it's been passed down from generation to generation.
Ever since Kriel saw this, she's been badgering me on and on about giving it to her. She's the one that makes all the wizard-related items and weapons at Orbis, and she thinks she can make something powerful out of it. Anyway, if you ever drop by Orbis soon, I want you to give this to her.
Not interested? You don't want to make yourself stronger, huh?

Quest Complete

Hi, how can I help you? Hey, that's ... isn't that ... are you from Ellinia? That's definitely my friend Wing's, and how did you ... oh, Wing wanted you to give it to me?