John's Last Present

Collect White Viola (30)

Talk to John

Quest Start're the person that did me huge favors a while ago. You look so much stronger now that I can't even recognize you anymore. By now it looks like you have gone pretty much everywhere. I have one last favor to ask you. Well, my mother passed away a few days ago of old age. I need a special kind of flower for her on her grave ... can you get them for me?
Thank you so much! The flowers I want on her grave are called White Viola and it's a very rare kind. I heard it's found deep in the forest ... I heard the place where it exists doesn't let everyone in; only a select few, I think. Something about Mysterious Statue at Sleepywood and something something ...
Please get me 30 White Violas. I want to get a whole bunch for my mother's grave. Please hurry!
I see ... my mother loved looking at those flowers while she was alive ... I wished that you could get them for me and for her ... I understand ...

Quest Complete

Ohhh ... you got me all 30 White Violas! This is awesome ... I can't believe you went deep into the forest and got these flowers... there's a story about this flower where it supposedly doesn't die for 1000 years and it glows on its own. I can make a nice wreath out of this and bring it to my mother's grave...
Oh, and... since you have worked hard for me, I should reward you well. My late mother left me this earing before passing away. Apparently she had it since she was young. I don't know, but it seems to have some kind of a special power hidden in it ... anyway please take it.
If you have time, why not try going back into the forest? You may find an important item in there. I can't guarantee it since obviously I've never been there before, so please don't come back complaining if all you can find is trash.