John's Pink Flower Basket

Collect Pink Viola (10)

Talk to John

Quest Start

How's traveling these days? I actually have a favor to ask you ... this time, my wedding anniversary is coming up and I need flowers. Can you get them for me?
Thank you! This time I'd like to give my wife Pink Viola ... It has a very pleasant scent, and I heard it's found deep in the forest ... I heard the place where it exists doesn't let everyone in; only a select few, I think. Something about Mysterious Statue at Sleepywood and something something ...
Please get me 10 Pink Violas. I think 10 will cover the house with that pleasant scent. Please hurry!
I understand ... my wedding anniversary is coming up and I am screwed! Please come back if you have some spare time.

Quest Complete

Ohhh ... you got me 10 Pink Violas~! This is awesome ... I can't believe you went deep into the forest and got these flowers ... there's a story about this flower where it supposedly doesn't die for 100 years. With this, I can make my wife happy.
Oh, and ... since you have worked hard for me, I should reward you well. I found some Screw in the ship. Some travelers leave things here and there. It looks like something you may need, so take it.
If you have time, why not try going back into the forest? You may find an important item in there. I can't guarantee it since obviously I've never been there before, so please don't come back complaining if all you can find is trash.