Common Gachapon Ticket
This common ticket allows you to use the Gachapon with the basic item rates.

Dropped By

Rombot , Star Pixie , Grendel the Really Old's Clone , Curse Eye 2 , Yellow Lizard , Goby , Eagle Swordsman , Master Chronos(JP) , The Book Ghost , Zeta Gray(JP) , Wild Kargo , Klock , Deep Buffoon , Horntail's Left Head , Toy Trojan GL , Leprechaun , White Rooster , Kid Snowman , Killa Bee , Barnard Gray , Dark Rash , Toy Trojan , White Fang , Stump , Jiaoceng , Skelegon , Windraider , Krip , Male Boss , Lyka , Transformed Yellow Perfume , Boomer , Dark Yeti , Cold Eye 2 , Jr. Cerebes , Dark Nependeath , Cake Monster , Helly , Coke Slime , Cloud Fox , Soul Teddy , Stone Golem , Zombie Lupin GL , Baby Typhon , Memory Monk Trainee , Crimson Tree , Demon Slime , Rocky Mask , Scholar Ghost , Street Slime , Blue Flower Serpent , Master Death Teddy , Yeti Doll , Phantom Tree , Mr. Alli , Tutorial Drumming Rabbit , Ice Drake , Bob , Buffy , Eye of Time , Papa Pixie , Thanatos , Selkie Jr. , Memory Monk , Fairy 2 , Jr. Boogie 2 , Clang , Poopa , Ancient Fairy (non-Touch) , Red Dragon Turtle , Bigfoot , Mano , Dark Jr. Yeti(JP) , Lupin 2 , Bellflower Root , White Tiger Swordsman , Blue Mushroom 2 , Yeti , Snowman , Dark Sand Dwarf , Jar , Straw Target Dummy , Killa Bee , Crimson Guardian , Bodyguards A B Boss , Nightghost , Krexel , Dunas Unit , Jr. Seal , Gatekeeper , Coolie Zombie , Flyeye , Mecateon , Samiho , Coketump Lite , Krappy , King Block Golem , Rooster , Wooden Target Dummy , Pianus , Yellow King Goblin , Horntail's Right Head , Cerebes , Dark Jr. Yeti , Ice Golem , Nightmare , Nibelung , Phantom Tree , Coke Seal , Curse Eye GL , Nependeath , Indigo Eye , Fairy 1 , Big Puff Daddy , Charmer , Stirge , Coke Pig , Ratz , Mummydog , Plateon , Transformed Blue Perfume , Griffey , Elderwraith , Toad , Giant Centipede , Chirppy , Yeti UFO Catcher , Veetron , Core Blaze , Robo , Papulatus , Lupin , Black Kentaurus , Mithril Mutae , Dark Stone Golem , Psycho Jack , Oly Oly , Panda , Mama Monkey , Seacle , Reindeer , Scorpion , Latest Hits Compilation , Maverick Form B , Retz , Security Camera , Manon , Brown Teddy , Rodeo , Wild Monkey , Chao , Goat , Fairy 4 , Imperial Guard Type A , Evil Eye , Homunscullo , Slygie , Aufheben , Malady , Octobunny , Orange Mushroom , Froscola , White Mama Monkey , Leader B , Yellow Bubble Tea , Trucker , Pianus (R) , Jr. Lucida , Memory Guardian , Ninto , Tweeter , Miner Zombie(JP) , Extra B , Coke Snail , Cico , Rash , Furious Scarlion Boss , OctoPirate , Jr. Wraith , Drumming Bunny , Coketump , Green Trixter , Chlorotrap , Bloctopus , Tick , Tauromacis , Shining Fairy , Stormbreaker , Snack Bar , Master Robo , Red Porky , Ancient Fairy , Jr. Grupin , Iron Hog , Clown Monkey , Chocolate-Cherry Cake , Site , Imperial Guard , Hodori , Red Wyvern , Nependeath , Cold Shark , Transformed Yeti , Flyeye(JP) , Luster Pixie , Coke Golem , Sakura Cellion , Violent Primitive Boar , Urban Fungus , Tortie , Stray Dog , King Clang , Master Soul Teddy , Dark Yeti and Pepe , Leader A , Iron Boar , Geist Balrog Phase 3 , Electrophant , Leviathan , Shroom , Panda Teddy , Ghost Pirate , Castellan , Master Dummy , Commander Skeleton , Fire Sentinel , Taurospear , Fire Boar 2 , Sr. Bellflower Root , Green Hobi , Blue Wyvern , Desert Rabbit (F) , Squid , Old Fox , Yeti and Coketump , Iron Mutae , Furious Targa , Dances with Balrog's Clone , Blue Kentaurus , Strawberry Cake , Homun , Manon , Wolf Spider , Angry Stray Dog , Mixed Golem , Anniversary Cake , Prototype Lord , Gigantic Spirit Viking , Reinforced Iron Mutae , Doll Vending Machine , Crimson Balrog , Papulatus , Zombie Lupin , Mighty Maple Eater , Python , Rurumo , Desert Giant , Werewolf , King Slime , King Sage Cat , Timer , Geist Balrog , Mini Bronze Martial Artist , Sand Dwarf , Silver Giant , Red Slime , Desert Rabbit (M) , Cactus , Sand Rat , Reinforced Mithril Mutae , Mini Gold Martial Artist , Female Thief , Maverick B , Cursed Frog , Stopnow , Stone Bug , Iruvata , Mossy Mushroom , Jr. Necki , Silver Spearman , Jr. Cellion , Ear Plug Plead , Chief Gray , Lucida , Water Goblin , Sparker , Dual Birk , Tippo Blue , Crystal Boar , Fairy 3 , Morphed Blin , Evil Eye 2 , Dark Pepe , Roloduck , Bronze Staffman , Plow Ox , Ratatula , Drumming Bunny , Maverick V , Zombie Lupin , Strawberry Shortcake , Skelosaurus , Drumming Bunny , Lycanthrope , Harp , Red Goblin , Ligator , Booper Scarlion , Lazy Buffy , Homunculus , Transforming Jr. Yeti , Spirit of Rock , Scuba Pepe , Leviathan , Flaming Raccoon , Captain , Gryphon , Tick-Tock , Buffoon , Hankie , Blood Harp , Montrecer , Seruf , Coke Mushroom , Riche , Nameless Magic Monster , Big Cloud Fox , Grizzly , Stumpy , Jr. Balrog , Stone Golem(JP) , Octopus , Red Snail , Blue Snail , Blue Goblin , Jonin , Mossy Snail , King Slime , Phantom Watch , Birk , Dark Axe Stump , Chief Memory Guardian , Bellamoa , Peach Monkey , Mask Fish , Bain , Dodo , Miner Zombie , Pig , Nest Golem , Golden Giant , Play Seal , Jr. Sentinel , Platoon Chronos , Female Mannequin , Jr. Balrog , Dark Lord's Clone , Master Chronos , Glutton Ghoul , Frog , Dark Leatty , Zombie Mushmom , Scaredy Scarlion , Paper Lantern Ghost , Meercat , Eliza , Shining Fairy (non-Touch) , Bone Fish , Snail , Crow , Triple Rumo , Red Bubble Tea , Jester Scarlion , Black Goat , Propelly , Mr. Anchor , Vikerola , Tauromacis(JP) , Oblivion Monk , Dark Wyvern , Blue Mushmom , Hector , Ultra Gray , Snow Witch , Pink Teddy , Sentinel , Nospeed , Bodyguard B , Neo Huroid , Dark Stone Golem(JP) , Transformed Snack Bar , Magic Fairy B , Qualm Guardian , Strong Stone Goblin , Yabber Doo , Block Golem , Stylish Stray Dog , Freezer , Cube Slime , Rexton , Nightshadow , Firebomb , Jr. Boogie 1 , Zombie Mushroom , Black Crow , Ashigaru , Dual Beetle , Ultra Gray(JP) , Pepe , Dunas , Berserkie , Overlord , Dunas , Batoo , Roid , Scarf Plead , Moon Bunny , Bubbling , Risell Squid , Ephenia , Headless Horseman , Rumo , Lunar Pixie , Emo Slime , Hoodoo , Sage Cat , Candle Monster , Firebrand , Sheep , UFO Catcher , Red Kentaurus , Transformed Dark Yeti , Leatty , Croco , Qualm Monk Trainee , Green Cornian , Cellion , Coolie Zombie(JP) , Biner , Royal Cactus , Giant Centipede , Tauromacis , Cold Eye , Bubble Fish , Sophilia Doll , Slimy , Dark Stump , Pac Pinky , Kunoichi , Black Porky , Duku , Jr. Cactus , Dark Fission , Dark Klock , Overlord , Wooden Mask , Transformed Pink Perfume , Horned Mushroom 2 , Green Bubble Tea , Flower Fish , Drake , Dual Ghost Pirate , Primitive Boar , Ribbon Pig , Pianus (L) , Blue King Goblin , Male Boss , Red Drake , Castellan Toad , Tree Rod , Extra A , Maverick A , Black Bear Swordsman , Slime , Petrifighter , Headless Horseman , Igloo Turtle , Mateon , Wild Boar , Crystal , Maverick Y , Chief Oblivion Guardian , Chunin , Separated Dark Yeti , Brexton , Grim Phantom Watch , MT-09 , Crimson Tree , Horny Mushroom , Shark , Mushmom , Red Lizard , Dark Drake , Freezer , Extra D , Capt. Latanica , Firebrand , Male Mannequin , Death Teddy , Dark Nependeath , Faust , Mini Dungeon Agent Box , AfterLord , Dyle , Nest Golem , Cheap Amplifier , Male Thief , Kid Mannequin , Hobi , Hogul , Planey , Bodyguard A , Cursed Black Cat , Axe Stump , Papulatus , Mushmom , Pinboom , Qualm Monk , Trixter , Blue Dragon Turtle , Cow , Dark Cornian , Fire Boar , Tutorial Leatty , Oblivion Monk Trainee , Zeta Gray , Lost Rudolph , Yeti and Pepe , Fire Raccoon , Jr. Pepe Doll , Werewolf , Gallopera , Jr. Newtie , Shadow Kyrin , Cursed Aufheben , Wraith , Green King Goblin , Female Boss , Jr. Pepe , Horntail , Voodoo , Censer , Skeledog , Fancy Amplifier , Skeleton Soldier , Jr. Yeti , Jr. Balrog , Dreamy Ghost , Old Fox Flagship AI , OctoPirate , Poison Poopa , Ice Sentinel , Lord Pirate , Officer Skeleton , Glutton Ghoul , Beetle , Ginseng Jar , Genin , Deet and Roi , Chief Qualm Guardian , King Bloctopus , Black Sheep , Lioner , Zombie Mushroom 2 , Jr. Lioner , Red Flower Serpent , Oblivion Guardian , Spirit Viking , Duck , Deo , Yellow Perfume , Zakum3 , Curse Eye , Biker Monkey , Extra C , Tippo Red , Chronos , Kiyo , Tokyo stuff , Lorang , Wooden Fish , Blue Mushroom , Tae Roon , Chipmunk , Copper Drake , Kacchuu Musha , Black Ratz , D. Roy , Shade , Ravana , Ghost Stump , Kru , Bergamot , Athena Pierce's Clone , Green Mushroom , Lilynouch , Typhon , Fire Tusk , I.AM.ROBOT , Papa Pixie , Grupin , Toad , Griffey , Zeno , Kimera